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Fluorine-free Additive Solutions for Films: Way Towards Sustainable Flexible Packaging!

In a rapidly evolving global marketplace, the packaging industry has seen significant transformations in recent years. Among the various packaging solutions available, flexible packaging has emerged as a popular choice for its versatility, cost-effectiveness, and sustainability advantages. For film package manufacturers, flexible packaging offers enhanced efficiency in production and transportation, as it is lighter and requires less energy to produce compared to traditional rigid packaging formats. It also provides a superior surface for branding and product information, contributing to stronger shelf appeal and better consumer engagement.For consumers, flexible packaging offers convenience and portability, making it easier to carry products while on the go. Additionally, flexible packaging often incorporates resealable features, which help preserve the freshness of perishable goods and reduce waste. Moreover, the reduced use of materials in flexible packaging contributes to a lower carbon footprint, aligning with the growing consumer preference for sustainable products.

Furthermore, As the packaging industry advances, so do the concerns surrounding its impact on the environment. Government bodies and consumers alike are placing increasing emphasis on sustainable practices and eco-friendly packaging solutions.

However, Additives play a crucial role in enhancing the properties of films used in flexible packaging. By incorporating well-designed and sustainable additives, manufacturers can elevate film performance while aligning with environmental goals. Comprehensive additive solutions are specifically tailored to meet the challenges posed by traditional flexible packaging materials, leading the charge toward a greener future.

To support our customers in adapting to potential regulatory pressures, we have proactively developed fluorine-free PPA masterbatch, a highly effective polymer processing additive tailored for PE and PP, one of the most widely used polymers in flexible packaging. By incorporating fluorine-free PPA masterbatch into the production process, manufacturers can achieve significant improvements in their flexible packaging’s properties and performance.


SILIKE SILIMER 5090 is a processing agent for the extrusion of polypropylene material with PE as the carrier launched by our company. It is an organically modified polysiloxane masterbatch product, which can migrate to the processing equipment and have an effect during processing by taking advantage of the excellent initial lubrication effect of polysiloxane and the polarity effect of modified groups, Serves as a versatile polymer processing aid that facilitates the production of high-quality PE-based flexible packaging materials. The key advantages and benefits of using  SILIKE SLIMER 5090,  include:

Advantages and Benefits

1.   PFAS and fluorine-free alternatives solutions: SILIKE SILIMER 5090 provide a more eco-friendly alternative, as a suitable replacement for fluorine-based polymer processing aids.   some film package manufacturers feedback SILIKE SILIMER 5090 fluorine-free PPA masterbatch offers equal performance to Evonik TEGOMER® 6810, with a reasonable price.

2. Enhanced Processability:  SILIKE SILIMER 5090 fluorine-free PPA masterbatch significantly improves the flow behavior and melt strength of PE during processing. This, in turn, leads to smoother and more efficient production processes, reducing the risk of defects and downtime.

3. Elimination of Shark Skin: Among the common challenges faced by film package manufacturers, the notorious “shark skin” appearance on films has been a longstanding concern.  

(Shark skin, also known as shark or snakeskin, is a surface defect that plagues the film manufacturing process. It manifests as an irregular, rough texture on the film’s surface, resembling the skin of a shark. This visual defect not only compromises the aesthetics of the film but also poses performance issues.)

This PFAS-Free Polymer Processing Aids(PPA) SILIKE SILIMER 5090 fluorine-free PPA masterbatch eliminates shark skin.

4. COF Reduction and Enhanced Slip Performance:  SILIKE SILIMER 5090 fluorine-free PPA masterbatch enable a significant reduction of the coefficient of friction (COF) of films, while permanently improving slip performance. Lower friction leads to improved processability, reducing the risk of defects and film damage during handling and converting. This enhancement in slip performance is instrumental in creating packaging that is easy to open, reseal, and handle, providing convenience to end-users.

5. Optimal Transparency: Transparency is a critical aspect of flexible packaging, especially when showcasing the packaged product.  SILIKE SILIMER 5090 fluorine-free PPA masterbatch processing aids in maintaining the desired transparency of PE-based packaging, ensuring visual appeal and consumer confidence in the product.

6.  Potential Material Savings: The improved processability offered by SILIKE SILIMER 5090 fluorine-free PPA masterbatch processing aids may enable manufacturers to reduce material consumption, leading to cost savings and a reduced environmental footprint.

7. Sustainability Compliance: With growing environmental concerns, the use of SILIKE SILIMER 5090 fluorine-free PPA masterbatch processing aids aligns with sustainable practices and may help meet potential regulatory requirements related to packaging materials.

We aim to empower manufacturers to achieve flawless films with enhanced slip performance and minimal environmental impact. With SILIKE SILIMER 5090 fluorine-free PPA masterbatch processing aids, we look forward to bringing our customers more flexible packaging film solutions that not only meet market demands but also contribute to a more sustainable and environmentally responsible future!

Post time: Jul-28-2023